As Sarasota County continues to recover from Hurricane Ian, what has been done so far to assist the victims of this storm?  According to the office of Governor Ron Desantis

  • 106,534 accounts have had power restored in DeSoto and Sarasota counties
  • The Florida Highway Patrol has deployed a mobile kitchen to feed first responders in Hardee County.
  • Currently, there is a Regional Recovery Coordinator deployed to the region to assist with damage assessments.
  • In Sarasota County, over 334,000 meals have been distributed and 2.4 million water bottles.
  • Sarasota County has been been approved for Individual Assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. For those in need of individual and household assistance, visit DisasterAssistance.Gov or call 1-800-621-3362.
  • FDEM and the Florida National Guard have established nine Points of Distribution (PODs) across DeSoto, Hardee and Sarasota counties to provide residents with food, water and ice.  For the full list, visit