
Buying a house is one of the biggest purchases you’ll ever make. It’s an exciting feeling, but it can also be stressful—especially if you’re doing it on your own and don’t have another income source to rely on. While there are plenty of ways to save money when buying a home, some people just don’t have enough saved up for a down payment or enough income to qualify for loans with low-interest rates. If that sounds like you, don’t despair! We’ve compiled some tips for how to buy a house on a single income.

Be realistic about your budget

  • Define your budget. You need to know how much you can afford to pay each month, including the down payment and closing costs.
  • Think realistically about your income. If you’re planning on buying a house with one income, then it’s best to think of yourself as earning a dual-income salary—one partner’s salary plus half of the other partner’s salary.
  • Think realistically about expenses: What are all the things that must be paid every month, such as utilities and groceries? How much do those things cost in total? What percentage of our income will they take up? Are there any additional unexpected expenses we should account for (like car repairs)?

Black calculator near ballpoint pen on white printed paper

How to buy a house on a single income? Make sure you have enough for a down payment.

The down payment is a percentage of the purchase price that you will have to pay upfront. It is usually between 3% and 20%, but it can be more if you’re buying a house in an expensive area.

The good news is that there are many ways to save up for a down payment:

  • Make extra payments on your mortgage or savings account
  • Get a gift from family members

Choose the mortgage that’s right for you

When it comes to choosing the right mortgage, you have a lot of options. There are fixed and variable rates, five-year, 10-year, and 15-year mortgages; there are no down payment loans. You may think that finding the best deal is as simple as comparing apples to oranges. However, when comparing different mortgages from different lenders with additional features and interest rates (the details), there’s no difference between an apple and an orange: they’re both fruits! The process for selecting your ideal mortgage lender should be just as straightforward.

First, if you plan on buying a home on one income alone, you’ll want to choose a single or joint loan option with your partner(s). In this case, we’ll go over how to buy a house on a single income.

For banks and other financial institutions like credit unions or trust companies to approve loans for residential property purchases, they will require proof that buyers have enough income coming into their household after taxes each month before applying together upfront with their spouse/partner(s). This amount varies depending upon which province one lives in – but what matters most is that between all members combined, they must earn at least three times their monthly housing cost per month (including principal residence). For example – $30000 x 3 = $90 000 required income before taxes every year!”

Look into adjustable-rate mortgages (ARM)

An adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) is a loan that offers a lower interest rate than a fixed-rate mortgage, but the rate can change over time. To understand what this means and how they work, here are some key things to know:

  • ARM rates are typically lower than those of fixed-rate mortgages because they allow lenders to offer more favorable financing terms during periods when interest rates are rising. If you choose an ARM and interest rates rise significantly in the coming years, your monthly payments will increase commensurately.
  • You should carefully compare the initial interest rate on both types of loans before making your decision so that you know what you’re getting into and consider whether it’s worth paying extra now for stability later.

Keep in mind that while ARMs might have lower initial payments, they typically have shorter amortization periods than fixed-rate mortgages. That is, they require fewer monthly payments over time. So, even though borrowers pay less per month with ARMs than with fixed rates for each month remaining until their loan matures at full term (which could be anywhere from 15 to 30 years), total costs may be higher due to accelerated prepayment penalties associated with early repayment options available after five or seven years past origination date depending on whether borrower chooses standard or extended amortization schedule. So, if house costs get too high during these periods due “to unforeseen life events such as job loss,” says our expert from Orange Mover, then owners would need additional income sources like investments or disability insurance coverage before making any significant changes.”

Don’t buy a fixer-upper; opt for move-in ready instead

Unfinished Wall in House

Fixer-uppers can occasionally put a strain on your finances because they are typically more difficult to sell without major renovations.

If you’re buying a home for the first time, it’s tempting to purchase a fixer-upper. You might think that by making some improvements, you’ll save money and get more value out of your investment. However, as we mentioned above, it’s important to remember not just what your mortgage payment is going to be each month but also how much it will cost if something goes wrong with the house and needs repairs or replacement parts.

Fixer-uppers can also sometimes cause financial headaches because they’re usually harder to sell without making significant repairs first—and that can lead sellers into foreclosure or bankruptcy. If someone has been living in your home and then leaves without paying their bills (like utilities), it’s up to you as the new homeowner to cover those costs before listing your property again—and they could be steep! In addition, many buyers won’t even consider purchasing a fixer-upper. They don’t want any surprises when moving in or having their lender come around for an inspection later on down the road. This means fewer potential buyers available for sale listings on websites, which means lower profits from selling later down the road! Searching for moving services and long-distance moves can be time-consuming and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Our Florida specialists can help with any task.

You can buy a home on one income if you do it smartly and carefully plan the details of your purchase

High-rise buildings during nighttime

If you do it wisely and properly consider the details of your purchase, you may buy a home on one salary.

You can buy a home on one income if you do it smartly and carefully plan the details of your purchase. But it’s not easy, and it requires patience, planning, and saving. Here’s how it works:

  • Plan ahead. Buyers who start their search early will have more time to save for down payment costs, which are typically around 20% of the house’s price. They also can take advantage of interest rates before they go up (and they will).


Purchasing a home is a fun and satisfying process. You’re going to be spending a lot of time on it, so it makes sense to buy one that you love! Still, it’s important not to let emotion get the best of you when making financial decisions. Do your research, understand all of your options, and don’t forget how to buy a house on a single income; it can be done—as long as you plan ahead.




